
Code Description
AB1953 1953年加州议会法案, effective January 1, 2010, regulates the lead content in plumbing products that deliver water for human consumption.
ADA 《BETVLCTOR伟德登录》,1992年生效. 该法案规定,对于水龙头, 手柄必须不需要捏或抓, 而且必须少于5磅. of force to operate. 此外,计量水龙头必须运行至少10秒. Chicago Faucets offers over 150 products designed and manufactured to meet ADA requirements.
Aerator A featured located at the end of a faucet designed to mix air and water and thereby enable a splash-free flow.
ANSI 美国国家标准协会. 气阀经过ANSI Z1测试和认证.5A/CGA 9.1M.
ASME 美国机械工程师学会. All Chicago Faucets plumbing supply fittings are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the ASME A112.18.1水暖装置标准.
ASSE 美国安全工程师学会. Chicago Faucets pressure balancing and combination thermostatic and pressure balancing shower valves comply with ASSE 1016. Chicago Faucets vacuum breakers comply with ASSE 1001 and ASSE 1035.
Bill S.152 佛蒙特州领先的消费者产品法, effective January 1, 2010, regulates the lead content in plumbing products that deliver water for human consumption.
Body The basic housing that allows you to build your faucet for specific applications.
Buy American Act 1933年,《BETVLCTOR伟德国际》被签署成为法律,要求美国在国内生产总值方面投入更多资金.S. 政府在购买时更喜欢美国制造的产品. To qualify under the Act, the product must be assembled (Made) in the USA and more than 50% of the value must be derived from parts that are American made. 我们95%以上的产品符合这些要求. 符合“购买美国货法案”的产品清单如下 available for download.
C-C Center to Center. 指阀体中心之间的距离, or the reach of the spout from the center of the upright to the center of the outlet.
Ceramic Cartridge 一个独立的筒装两个陶瓷圆盘. 手柄转动1/4圈即可完全打开或关闭.
CHI FAU CO An abbreviation for The Chicago Faucet Company - used on some parts.
Component 一个独立的筒装两个陶瓷圆盘. 手柄转动1/4圈即可完全打开或关闭.
Control-A-Flow® A water conservation cartridge that can be adjusted to provide a flow rate of 1.2 to 2.0 GPM @ 50PSI.
CSA CSA International. Most Chicago Faucets fittings are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the applicable CSA standard.
Dashpot A component that provides a slow or soft closure characteristic, for NAIAD cartridges.
ECAST™ Plumbing products certified as manufactured with less than one quarter of one percent (0.25%)总铅含量加权平均值. 芝加哥水龙头的商标.
Flow Control A water conservation device installed in the spout base, restricting flow to either 0.9 or 1.6GPM.
Food Service Products typically installed in institutional or restaurant kitchen areas.
GPM Gallons Per Minute. 水的流速.
Integral 内置在水龙头或配件中的功能.
IPS Iron Pipe Size. A specification for tapered pipe thread used in plumbing, synonymous with NPT.
Klo-Self™ A water conservation cartridge that closes upon release of the handle.
L/min Liters Per Minute. The flow rate of water.
Laboratory Products typically installed in K-12 schools, universities or professional science laboratories.
Laminar Flow 不加气的水流.
Leed® The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design program systematically measures the performance of an entire building by awarding points in the areas of human and environmental health. Certified, Silver, 获得金牌或白金认证, 基于满足某些先决条件和基准.
Marathon® 单控厨房和厕所水龙头. 芝加哥水龙头的商标.
MeterMix® 安装在甲板上的盥洗室计量水龙头,带有温度控制. 芝加哥水龙头的商标.
Monel® 一种无腐蚀性的镍铜合金. 一家国际镍公司. trademark.
MVP® 一个可调节的计量(自关闭)墨盒. 芝加哥水龙头的商标.
NAIAD™ 一个可调节的计量(自关闭)墨盒. 芝加哥水龙头的商标.
NPSM 机械接头用直管螺纹. 用于进口柄的典型管道螺纹.
NPT National Pipe Taper. 管道用锥形螺纹规范.
NSF NSF International. A plumbing standard that applies to the restriction of the release of toxins into a potable water system. Applies to all drinking water and lavatory faucets and states that leaching of lead into drinking water may not exceed 1 parts per billion at 1 liter dilution. Chicago Faucets has one of the largest listing of faucets certified to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61, Section 9. Your Chicago Faucets sales representative can provide you with a current and complete listing of products certified to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61, Section 9.
Oscillating Handle A lever handle that operates by either pushing or pulling - typically used on urinal valves.
Outlet An end point device typically installed on a spout that regulates water volume and changes flow patterns.
Potable Water 适于人类和动物饮用的水.
Pressure Balancing Operational characteristic typically found in shower valves that maintains set water temperature when water pressure fluctuates, 防止烫伤和热休克.
压力平衡/恒温 Operational characteristic typically found in shower valves that maintains set water temperature when water temperature or pressure fluctuates, a thermal actuator adjusts the hot and cold ratio to maintain the original temperature setting, 防止烫伤和热休克.
Quaturn™ A self-contained, repairable, compression cartridge that provides drip-free performance. 手柄转动1/4圈即可完全打开或关闭. 芝加哥水龙头的商标.
Safety Equipment Safety showers, eye wash units and drench hoses typically installed in any building where hazardous conditions exist.
Slo-Compression A self-contained, repairable cartridge that provides drip-free performance. 手柄旋转270°,完全开启或关闭激活.
Softflo® 芝加哥水龙头曝气器的名字. 芝加哥水龙头的商标.
STEDI-FLO™ A water conservation fitting that restricts the water flow at the inlet. 芝加哥水龙头的商标.
Tailpiece A)小便池/抽水马桶和瓷器之间的连接管. B)废物管件和疏水阀之间的连接管. C)用于对管道进行压缩连接的管件.
TempShield® Name of a Chicago Faucets shower and tub/shower pressure balancing valve. 芝加哥水龙头的商标.
Tip-Tap™ Name of a Chicago Faucets metering cartridge handle that tilts when pushed. 芝加哥水龙头的商标.
Vacuum Breaker Plumbing device that prevents back siphon of water into the water system.
Vandal Proof Unique features designed to make the product resistant to tampering without the use of proper tools.
Water Hammer Destructive pressure wave, evident by noise, 通常是水管内空气或水压过高的结果.
Wristblade 一种4英寸或6英寸叶片手柄,用于开启和关闭阀门, 使用手腕或肘部-通常用于医疗保健.


Code Description
BAF Brushed Aluminum Finish
BNF Bright Nickel Finish
CEF Clear Epoxy Finish
CP Chrome Plate
CTF 内镀锡,外镀铬
NF No Finish
NPF Nickel Plate Finish
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
RBF Rough Brass Finish
RCF Rough Chrome Finish
SAM Satin Antimicrobial
SPF Silver Plate Finish
TPF Tin Plate Finish


Code Description
ANG Angled Head
BA 水龙头阀体插座适配器
C 压缩连接或整体检查
CC 踏板箱椅载体或中心到中心
CH Cross Handle
CO Center Outlet
CW Cold Water
CX Integral Check
D Display Kit
DB Double Bend Spout
DJ 双关节摆动喷口
DK Double Pipe Support
DS Dual Service with Shank Pasted (Loctite 565 paste) and Assembled to Fitting
DSVR Dual Service, Vandal Resistant (Valve and Nozzle Epoxied to Fitting)
E 直供站
E# Outlet (E3, E12, etc.)
EA 斜向供电站
EAC 倾斜供应止回阀和整体止回阀
EC 直接服务供应停止和整体检查
EP 壁挂式踏板箱扩展踏板
EX 标准壁挂式供应柄扩展
EX2 2"壁挂式供电杆加长件
EX5 5“壁挂式供电杆加长件
F Female Inlet
FC Flow Control
FH Flexible Head
G 3/8“偏置进口供应臂
GC 带止回阀的3/8”偏置进口供应
GN Gooseneck Spout
H 2-1/2”偏移进口臂供应或高流量
H# Spout Height in Inches (e.g., GN2BH8)
HA High Arc Spout
HC 带止回阀的2-1/2”偏置进口臂供应
HR High Rise Spout
HZ 用于可调阀门中心的软管连接
HZCW 用于可调节阀门中心的软管连接-仅限冷水
IS Integral Spout
JK Repair Part
K Assembly of Parts
KJK Repair Part Assembly
L Low Flow
L# 摆嘴投影英寸(L6, L8等.)
LD Less Dish
LF Less Flange
LH Left Hand
LK Loose Key
LKC Loose Key Check Valve
LP 采购产品箱式踏板箱,长踏板
LS Long Inlet Shank
M 外接型适配器或外接进口柄
MM Metal to Metal Unit
NS Non-Swing
OH Oscillating Handle
PO Popup Waste Assembly
PVB Pressure Vacuum Breaker
R 2-1/2”偏移进口供应臂与整体停止
RC 2-1/2”偏置进口供应臂与整体截止和止回阀
RGD Rigid Only Spout
RH Right Hand
RS Restricted Swing Spout
S Riser, Hose and Spray Assembly only (919-S) or Spout Assembly (847S)
S# 摆嘴投影(英寸)(S6)
SA Faucet Outlet Adapter
SFA Supply from Above
SFB Supply from Below
SLO Slow Closing
SS 短进口柄或不锈钢
ST Steam Unit
SWC Sweat Connection
SWG Swing Spout Only
TB Tall Body
TF Triple Force™
TK Trim Kit
TKV Trim Kit for Valve Only
TS Replacement for T & S
TW 与踏板箱一起使用的第三个进水口
V Vandal Resistant Fitting
VB Vacuum Breaker
VBG 高架真空断路器(778VBG)
VBR 可调止动臂和VB喷口(305VBG)
VH Vinyl Hose
VO Valve Only
VOA 仅通风柜阀,倾斜法兰
VOC Valve Only, Complete
VOG Fume Hood Valve Only, Gas
VOGA 通风柜阀门专用,气角法兰
VOS 仅限通风柜阀门,蒸汽
VOSA 仅适用于通风柜阀门,蒸汽角法兰
VP Vandal Proof
VPA Vandal Proof Aerator
VPC 防破坏完成(VPA和VPH)
VPH Vandal Proof Handle
VPP 阀体或盖板上的防破坏销
VPPO Vandal Resistant Pop-Up
VPSHD 防破坏淋浴头
VR All Components Assembled Complete with Epoxy (2 part) and VPP, VPH, VPA and Spout Where Applicable
WC With Cover (Hose Reels)
WH Wheel Handle
WS With Shank Pasted (Loctite 565 paste) and Assembled to Fitting - Valves Shipped Loose
WSL With Shank Loose
WSV With Shank and Valve Pasted (Loctite 565 paste) and Assembled Complete to Fitting
WV White Vinyl Hose
WX Straight Inlet Shank
WXA Angled Inlet Shank
WXF 带法兰的直进口杆
X Cartridge
XK Ceramic Cartridge
XT Quaturn™或慢速压缩墨盒

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